Have I mentioned it before? I just love Barnabrow House for weddings! And there is something particularly lovely about it in Autumn. In so many venues you have to try and avoid aspects of the building in the wedding photographs,  but in Barnabrow it’s just gorgeous in every direction. It was a great choice for Edina and Steven and their 3 energetic young boys who loved running around and discovering every little nook and cranny of the grounds.

It was a fantastic, fun atmosphere from the very start of the day. Edina and her crew got ready in one of the adjoining holiday cottages, while guests gathered over at the light filled conservatory where the ceremony was held. I was delighted to discover I knew Stevens brother and sister in law, having just taken some family portraits for them only the week before! After the emotional and meaningful wedding ceremony everyone was able to hang around outside and enjoy some drinks and each others company in the lovely sunshine. We did some organised family group shoots, which we were able to do close to the guests. It’s nice when this works out because guests don’t feel like the couple have taken off for ages, and the couple don’t feel like they are missing out on time with guests. I like to keep the wedding photography as low key and natural as possible, letting people feel comfortable. When the dinner bell rang myself and Edina and Steven spent a few minutes doing some couple portraits. That lovely evening Barnabrow light was steaming through the trees and we got some lovely shots of them.

What a great day to be part of. Thanks Edina and Steven for choosing me as your wedding photographer.
