The Covid pandemic was an interesting time to be a wedding photographer. Couples who had weddings planned were thrown into a world of uncertainty. Weddings could happen, but would guests be allowed to attend? Yes! But only 6, and then only 20 (or something, I can’t remember), then rumours that in a few weeks time 100 would be allowed. People didn’t know what to do. Well most people. Not Rena and Paidi. They knew what to do. Get married. And they were doing it regardless.
Although the GAA stars had planned a huge big wedding in the Rochestown Park, a venue that would be able to accommodate all their family, and friends and many, many team mates that was not to be. Instead they had a small wedding in their own back garden with just their immediate families who were in the country at the time. And they loved it!
The wedding ceremony was in Rena’s local church in Berrings, and when the newly weds emerged from the church there was a big cheer and a guard of honour made up of players from Paidi’s football club and Rena’s county team mates as well as from her club in both football and comogie! Do you know Rena is Irelands most successful GAA star? She has 18 All Ireland medals! So she has amassed a lot of team mates. It was a glorious day so everyone was able to celebrate the wedding safely in the sunshine and there was an ice-cream van and sandwiches in the car park for all the well wishers. Lots of people had even got all dressed up for the occasion! It was just lovely.
We diverted off to Blarney Castle with the wedding party for a few photographs. It is such a beautiful setting, the only problem is I always want to stay longer! There are so many gorgeous and varied spots. But we had places to be. We headed back to Rena and Paidi’s place where the lovely weather allowed everyone to sit around outside and have a few drinks before heading into the little marquee for speeches and dinner.
The speeches were hilarious and lovely too. You know how at weddings they often read out a few cards from well wishers? At this one there was one from Michael D! Yip Uachtaran na hEireann, Michael D Higgins. I was impressed! Not just with that, but everything about this great couple, particularly their single mindedness and focus on getting on with their marriage and making the very best of changed circumstances. That is a good way to start I think.
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