I am delighted with the new sample album I opened this morning from album makers extraordinaire Queensberry. I have been using Queensberry for years but I still get so excited when I get that call from Alan (my DHL guy) to say he has a package from New Zealand for me. When I photograph a wedding an album is what I envisage for people at the end. An album is special and these albums are simply the best. Some new products have come on line recently and as soon as I saw the royal blue leather option, I knew it would work perfectly with Laura and Toms colourful summer wedding, and they obliged and let me use them. Thanks so much guys. Here are some pics I grabbed of it.

blue wedding album


royal blue Queensberry album

opening translucent page on Queensberry wedding albumtranslucent page on a queensberry albumFlush mounted Queensberry albumFlush mounted QueensberryFlush mounted Queensberry album